Saturday, November 10, 2018

Pack Your Bags

Well, by now, everybody on the East Coast, the Gulf Coast, and the West Coast fully realize that Global Warming is for real and is a cataclysmic horror.

The only states not on board are the Great Lakes states.  Speaking from California, we were just coming to grips with Earthquakes, and myself floods, up in rural Northern California.  This Smokey Winter thing mandates a whole new survival plan. 

All of us have had an Evacuation plan of sorts, based on anything from a back-pack to a six cubic foot storage container.  Some survival necessities: food, water, medicines, etc., plus those things we couldn’t do without.  That list is personal.  It may include cell phones, computers, baby or wedding pictures, tax records, other financial documents, avocations, collections.  I could go on.

In this new age, it is different now.  Earthquakes could disarray things, Floods could distort them, but they wouldn’t be gone.  Fires turn things to dust.  No more to be seen, felt, touched, or experienced in any way.  Gone.

This is a characteristic of death.  Dust unto dust.

If I get an evacuation notice now, here in my rural community, for fire, there is nothing I need take with me, just as if the grim reaper had appeared.  There is no bag to pack.  I may head south to San Jose, but things could be worse there.  I may head to Modoc County, but by myself, no things.

Things are just mental triggers to remember the past – think harder and it will all come back.  The technological environment we live in will reconstruct your life – it remembers all faithfully.  It’s all in the Cloud, so maybe the one thing I’d keep handy is a flash drive with my latest thoughts, ideas, and plans, or artwork.

It’s of no use to the grim reaper, but you may run into a library computer and be able to plug in and continue.  The rest is just things, and when you die, they’ll all be gone.

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