Thursday, April 23, 2020

Venus Rising

Venus was blazing brightly in the evening, western sky Thursday night.  Strong enough that I did a double take.  It took me back to my college days.  I’ll get back to that thought.
But, is the sky a lot clearer now? – one of the good things about SIP?  We aren’t burning anywhere near as much gasoline these days.  I’ve seen pictures of Chinese cities that were smog-plagued and are now much clearer.  Is anyone recording what’s happening in American cities and rural areas. This has got to be a major talking point when discussing “coming back” next fall or even in the summer.
There can be no clearer A-B comparative evidence that burning fossil fuels is really a bad thing to do; AND obviously, we can stop.  The only “value” in ever going back is to Arab Oil Emirs and a few USA oil Billionaire Barons.  If we also spent some of those Trillions on renewable energy sources, the whole Global Warming thing might be controllable, as well as the latest CoronaVirus.
Anyway, bright Venus tonight brought back the Arizona desert and the clear skies of the late fifties, which lured in Kitt Peak.  I switched my major to Physics and Mathematics in my Junior year.  I look back now and think that physics was in its’ infancy in those days, so much has changed.  Today, through the internet, billions of people, most of the populace of the Earth, have a grasp on the existence of a planetary system, with Venus and Mars being our sister planets, orbiting a traveling Sun.  Only a few handfuls of people realized that 100-200 years ago.

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