Friday, May 1, 2020

Class Story 098 Susan Kutner cooks a Formal Christmas Feast – 1978

Picture 1 The Guest List and Menu from Christmas 1978
I seem to have been very wise, lo those many years ago, and made sure I wrote down who came and what we had to eat.  There are three people who were invited but didn't come to this party.  Marjorie was another ex-girlfriend, but our thing was kinky so she didn't like to mingle with others.  Dick Andrews my father had other things going on in Carmel.  And Paul Whitehead had started living with Jeadra Bratko and was avoiding me.

As the guests arrived, there were platters of half a dozen different kinds of canapes including wonderful mushrooms and Susan's own home-made Pate.  We were serving the Pierrier-Jouet champagne while people mingled and met each other.

Picture 2 Amy Farris and GeorgAnne Taylor (Cindy's sister) left of Donna and Jay, Lois Grushka (Bill's girlfriend) on the right

Susan and Michelle 
My room mate at this time was Susan Kutner, who was attending the San Francisco Culinary Arts Institute to become a chef.  She simply jumped at the chance to do any and all cooking.  I love to tell the story of how she cooked up oysters twenty different ways for me and my friends after I'd brought back five pounds of shucked oysters in dry ice from a New Orleans business trip.  We ate oysters every way imaginable for two weeks.  Bill used to come over on Saturday mornings because she would be trying croissants, 3 or 4 batches, each better than the last.

When everyone was seated at the table, out came courses of oysters with caviar, escargots, and frog legs.  Enough so everyone could sample to their hearts content.  There were two soups, a clam broth, and a lobster bisque.  This was about the time we brought out a lovely Montrachet.  We finished up the Montrachet with small game hens served with some tomato aspic.


Picture 3 Donna Roberts and Jay Notter.  When Donna went through her mid-life crisis (younger men) she dumped Jay and he sued for palimony, and won.  Donna was a party girl.  She  once threw a party at her house and when she first entered the room, she exclaimed, "I've slept with every man here!" Then she exited in grand style.

This had been a year for parties, my fortieth birthday being a biggie.  We decided to do it up right and have 16 people and as much food as she could prepare.  She came up with a tentative menu and Bill and I scoured the wine stores for appropriate wine selections to go with the food.  I redecorated the house with Christmas wreaths, paper, and rugs on the walls, which you will see in the pictures.  You'll note that the guest list with Bill and I added in totals 19 people, but as I say, there were three who didn't make it so it was 16 eating and two people serving.

Picture 4 Bonnie Jones (who I had adored for the past decade), Steve Huggins and Jim Boileau from work at Standard Oil in San Francisco

This was on a Saturday night, December 16th, 1978.  We planned it to be a three hour dinner and Susan had the whole meal on a time schedule.  People started arriving promptly at 7:00 PM and we mingled over canapés.  I had arranged for the rental of two serving tables, put into an "L" shape, and also all the dishes, glasses and cutlery.  I put tremendous care into selecting the guests for their ability to mix and match in this sort of setting.  I insisted that the men dress up as much as possible and many went along with me and wore tuxedos.  This was a turn out of beautiful people and the women shone in pretty dresses and hair done up.

Picture 5 Rita and I had been divorced for at least five years but were now again running a lingerie shop together.

Picture 6 Will and Amy Farris.  Will was Viet Nam vet and a little crazy, but he had a beautiful wife.
I had made up two sets of place cards because Susan and I agreed that we would take a break between the game hens and the beef.  People need to get up and stretch, smoke, pee, etc.  I also wanted a different seating arrangement for the Meal, Part II.  People tend to withdraw into smaller groups and we already were beyond the maximum group size of 7 at each table, so there would be two conversations at each table.  I was trying to force the intermingling of my several sets of friends; Steve, Will, Sally, Bill, Jim, and I all worked in computers downtown.  Trita, Bonnie, and Donna were from the Champagne Taste North Beach crowd.  Jane, Lois, GeorgeAnne, and Cindy were local Bernal Heights neighborhood people.  Rita, Jane, Donna, and Cindy were all current or ex, wives or girlfriends of mine.

Picture 7 Cindy Taylor and I were currently going together. She was Donna's partner in a Real Estate firm, Brown Bear Realty. Rita and Will Farris

We started the second seating with a scampi course and at this time, we brought out the first red, a '64 Bonnes Mares.  We moved on to Beef Wellington, a traditional English holiday dish.  The final red was served, a '61 Margaux, along with the Beef Wellington, Susan also presented roasted pheasant stuffed with chestnuts, and broccoli.


Picture 8 Me with Jane Blair. She and I lived together at Treat Street for a few years. She had three kids and believed in breast feeding until school-age.
Susan and Michelle were magical at whisking away all the plates and glasses and completely resetting the tables during the 15-20 minute break.  Also we'd already eaten enough rich food to stuff a pig and we were only half done, so we really needed that break.  I wish I had pictures of the people at the tables and the food.  But once the guests were seated, Susan didn't have a spare second for posing people into pictures.

Picture 9 Jane Blair, me, then Cindy

Picture 10 Bill Campbell and Bonnie Jones

There were several classical Christmas desserts, including a flaming brandied plum pudding and then something called a Christmas bush, a pyramid of sort of cream-puff balls, sprinkled with powered sugar when the mountain has been constructed.  We had two, one French and one German.

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