Thursday, October 17, 2019

Where was I? (for the Earthquake)

 The simple, and unpleasant recollection was that I was at IBM in Endicott, and flew home to San Jose, to support a distraught English wife, who had probably, made up her mind, then and there, to never stay in such an unpredictable Country.
The more pleasant memory was of the year before, when I was staying, temporarily with my daughter, in South San Francisco, with her newborn baby, Stephanie.  Many barf-on-me-moments come to mind, as I fed and burped my first grand-daughter.
One thing that sticks, is that Halloween, 1988, when I visited my sister, and FORCED her out of her house, to join me in a walking tour of Willow Glen.
Halloween is a kid’s holiday [aren’t they all?]  I had just returned from a decade in England, where I watched the kids there, take to Halloween like a duck to water.  One of our best USA exports.  My energy at being back in home-Halloween-land was unstoppable, my sister couldn’t resist.
Amazingly, the naiveté of young children was contagious.  She had a great time.  We both did.  That was my most memorable Halloween, ever.

1 comment:

  1. You sure know how to get to a girl’s heart.

    Yes, I remember that Halloween. It was the end of the day. I was tired. I was living in a neighborhood with few kids so I hadn’t paid much attention to Halloween for a while. Your enthusiasm won me over and we had a ball. I hadn’t had a Halloween like that since the kids were little.

    I also remember when you did the same thing on a Xmas Eve as I was preparing dinner for the whole family and you demanded that I drop everything and come to see Star Wars. And again, I griped all the way and then loved it. You have a way of doing that to people.

    You never cease to amaze me, Peter. A lot hidden away in that, sometimes blustery tough guy persona.

    No one could ask for a better brother or friend. I LOVE these memories.
