Thursday, March 12, 2020

Darwin Says,

It’s 5 pm, wine time.  Pattie and I just came in from the garden.  Having deserted the place, two score finches descended to feed at a dozen white-bag feeders.  Many males have developed brightly-colored chests recently, enticing the engorged females to join them and play bird games.  They are all very animated.
Trained in Math & Physics, I passionately believe in Darwin’s theory of “Publish or Perish” or was it, “Evolution”; I believe in that too.
I was mulling over the indeterminate-period closure of many of my passions, creations, and hobbies: art openings, plays, supper club, church, writing and reading groups, Grand Jury meetings, Library events, Friends of Monte Rio events, Live Tributes, Easter Egg Hunts, Senior Center activities, classes at OLLI schools, restaurant meals, and movie night.
Most of my close family and friends are 75-85 years of age, and it’s hard for anyone that old not to have some respiratory factor(s).  Many of the above mentioned activities, are part of the daily life of me and my family & friends, doctor advised, to stay connected and vibrant.
We now move into this [thrown in reverse] epoch of shunning personal contact, rather than developing more of it.
There are going to be an awful lot of very lonely people this year.
So, as I thought of all of this, it came to me that I could evolve my Tuesday movie night, into a summer-time only, back-yard bar-b-que movie night.  Open, fresh-air, neighborhood movies.
A couple of 4’ X 8’, ¼-inch plywood panels nailed to the fence; a few more as top and as side screen, and it would be viewable at sundown, 7-8 at night, with a white sheet stapled on.  Six-foot spacing is easy with fresh breezes wafting Clematis & Jasmine aromas around the area.  It’s a way to gather and talk, enjoy pop-corn, pot luck, and old classic movies, which some of us know by heart.
I’m thinking I evolve my Tuesday Night Group that normally meets at 6 pm, to the outdoors starting April 6th, 2020.  .  Any time change will be later, as summer progresses.

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